- Feminized
- Late September Finish - Northern Hemisphere
- Uniform Germination
- Emergence with Early Vigor (Outcompetes Competition)
- Superb Botrytis and Mildew Resistance
- Fursarium, Phytopthoria, Pythium Resistant (Root/Stem Issues)
- Resists Lodging/Stem Breakage (Able to Carry Her Weight)
- Dense/Heavy/Low-Leaf Content Flower
- High Terpene/High CBD/Low THC Content
- Often Exhibits CBGa, CBCa and Other Cannabinoids
- Robust Yielder
- Ideal Harvestability, High-Yielding Cultivar
- Synthetic Cultivar Created by Intercrossing Genotypes of a Known Superior Hybrid Performance (Combining Ability)